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16 Members • 3 Topics

Introduce yourself

This group is a place for new members to introduce themselves in the community. Please post in the topic below to let others know about your location and current work.  


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neuron structure

2 years ago • Read full post
27 Members • 14 Topics

Laboratories discussion group

A forum to allow the discussion of general laboratory-related aspects that are relevant for all types of laboratories, across a range of settings and disease areas.


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How can you calculate % similarity between the following bacterial species using their base sequence as follows; Bacillus cereus AGUCCAGAGC B. subtilis GUAAAAGAGC B. brevis AGCGGAGAGC B. anthracis ACGUUAGAGC

4 years ago • Read full post
9 Members • 2 Topics

Global Health Laboratories content: Have your say!

We are just starting out, so we would like to know what sort of topics, resources, etc. you think would be useful for your and other laboratories in low and middle income countries. We welcome all comments and suggestions on how to improve the website and make it more relevant and informative. This is a good time to get involved, so this site becomes a helpful resource for your day to day laboratory work. 


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Greeting colleaugues I am a resident of the Nigerian FELTP, a two-year MPH degree programme in field epidemiology. I am writing my dissertation research proposal on the evaluation of the performance and ...

8 years ago • Read full post
5 Members • 1 Topics

Personal Protective Equipment

The WHO recently released an open consultation for recommendations to improve personal protective equipment and requested comments on a draft document related to improvements on personal protective equipment specifically utilzed in by healthcare workers responding to Ebola Virus and Haemorrhagic Fever outbreaks in tropical climates. We are creating this group to encourage  scientist and health care workers to respond to this urgent call for comments to the draft document. Comments are due 28 September 2017. The link below is the address for the draft document:    


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How many of you have policies related to PPE? What are the challenges related to the meeting the basic PPE needs.

7 years ago • Read full post
4 Members • 0 Topics

Bio banking / Biorepositories

Biobanking appears to still be a very sensitive topic in Low-to-Medium Income Countries (LMIC) and apart from the sensitivities around biobanking, it is very costly yet in a research setting it is so important to store specimens that can be researched and tested using the best possible assays. It would be good to hear the opinions of the scientific community about the benefits of biobanking, the challenges faced in LMIC and how these challenges can be addressed or overcome. We invite  those who have biobanking facilities in LMIC to provide input and we invite research who would like to make use of biobanking facilities to join in on this discussion.

2 Members • 1 Topics

Laboratories Response to Health Security

The aim of this group is to discuss the gaps in laboratories and the tools laboratories in developing countires require in order to effectively respond to health threats. We hope to effectively identify the gaps and also identify the tools that can assist in filling these gaps.


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High quality testing is an essential component in responding to health threats such as TB, HIV, Malaria, Ebola and many other diseases. In order to produce high quality results and have a ...

8 years ago • Read full post