groups » Personal Protective Equipment » Personal Protective Equipment

Attached files: documentPPEfor_public_comment_6Sept2017.pdf

Healthcare workers and Laboratory staff are on the frontline of responses to outbreaks like Ebola Virus and Haemorrhagic Fever. The Ebola Virus outbreak in West Africa 2013-2016 saw many first responders being infected. Improving on Personal Protective Equipment will help prevent the impact on first responders and hence save lives. It is important to make a contribution to the efforts by WHO and task teams to improve PPE. The Global Health Laboratory and scientific community have an opportunity to make an important contribution. We would like to hear your comments and suggestion in order to make a contribution by the 28 September 2017.
We urge you to participate in this effort that ultimate improves our response to global health threats.


  • ashraf0968491090 ashraf0968491090 22 Oct 2018

    hi Sebastian i work at hospital laboratory PPE policies in our lab are as following :
    for microbiology lab where we are processing high infectious materials it,s prohibited to initiate processing samples or handle samples if you are not wearing (gloves, eye protection, face mask, apron, full closed disposable footwear not slippery) for other departments (gloves, face mask, lab coat).
    i remember in one of my trips to an epidemic area south Sudan there was an outbreak of unknown origin so we were in high alert to avoid any infections among our staff and to minimize the spread of that infection so we started a program for educating and consulting about the salmonella and we even provided the local healthcare providers with PPE kits to start the fight from inside laboratories.
    in lab we are fighting the germs so it,s very important to wear our shields ;)
    best regards

  • sgelderbloem Sebastian Gelderbloem 20 Jul 2018

    How many of you have policies related to PPE? What are the challenges related to the meeting the basic PPE needs.

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