Achieving, maintaining and improving accuracy, timeliness and reliability are major challenges for laboratories responding to global health threats and wanting to meet incountry needs. Responding to health threats like Ebola, TB, Malaria, HIV to mention but a few serious threats requires a commitment to building capacity for detection of, response to and research of these public health threats.
Here we intend to share resources, guidelines and references on Laboratory Quality Management Sytems essential to achieve quality responses to laboratory research and public health threats.Only sound management of quality and systems in laboratories will enable countries to produce research and test results that the international community will trust. It goes beyound just trust from the international community and speaks to trust by local country doctors and researchers.
Quality Management Sytems has the following benefits:
- Increased level of efficiency
- Improved morale for staff
- Better decisions
- Improved relationship between suppliers, vendors and other stakholders
- Better control of records and documentation
- Effective management review
- Improved consistency
- Customer or collaborator satisfaction
- Better control of internal and external control