Introduction to Good Clinical Laboratory Practice

Free, online, open access training course
The Global Health Network Reaches 1 Million MembersThe Global Health Network has achieved a remarkable milestone: one million members worldwide. This dynamic and inclusive community of healthcare professionals and researchers is addressing two of the most pressing challenges in global health. To celebrate this milestone, members across the world shared the game-changing experience of being part of The Global Health Network. |
Evidence based medical care underlies every Good Clinical Practice. Laboratory medicine is a critical component of disease prevention and management within this paradigm. While the need for training in laboratory processes is well recognised but prohibitively costly, this hub aims to contribute to Global Health by sharing knowledge, best practices and making laboratory materials that are universally acceptable, openly available. This is a community of laboratory scientists from around the world, building and supporting laboratory capacity globally by sharing and networking together.
Welcome to this resource for researchers and personnel working in laboratories. This hub provides free articles, online seminars, e-learning tools, blogs, forum discussions, etc., in order to support research and encourage collaborations. You can read more here.
Thank you for visiting The Global Health Network, please take a moment to read this important message. As you know, our aim is to enable equity in access to research knowledge and this is successfully delivering support and training to 1000’s of research teams all over the world. But we need your support!. If you have benefited from this research skills and knowledge sharing facility, please help us sustain this remarkable and unique provision of information for those who could otherwise not access such support and training. We would be really grateful if you could make a donation or ask your employer or organisation to contribute to the costs of maintaining this platform and the generation of new contents for all users. Just a small contribution from everyone who can afford to pay would keep this available for those who cannot. Thank you, we really appreciate your part in this community effort to better equity in global health research.
Free, online, open access training course
In September, 2021 ASLM and partners Africa CDC, CHAI, and Last Mile Health, launched the COVID-19 Ag RDT training e-learning course. Hosted online through the ASLM Academy, the course allows free and flexible self-learning that enables healthcare service providers to train and acquire knowledge and skills for safely and correctly using SARS-CoV-2 Ag RDTs to diagnose COVID-19. Learners who complete the training are awarded certificates of completion. Learn more here.
a structured quality improvement program, teaches laboratory managers how to implement practical quality management systems in resource-limited settings using available resources. See further information here.
SLMTA are providing technical assistance to countries/regions so they can conduct this e-learning course on their own while maintaining the fidelity and high standards of the course. Visit the course page here.
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This Guidance for Establishing a National Laboratory Quality Framework (NLQF), developed by Africa CDC and ASLM, has been prepared to guide and facilitate country-level efforts of strengthening national laboratory systems and networks. This document serves as a practical guide for ... Read more
The Center for Innovative Drug Development and Therapeutic Trials for Africa (CDT-Africa), Addis Ababa University has organized an online training program to support Study Coordinators (SCs) in carrying out their roles and responsibilities as essential members of the study team in conducting high quality, regulatory-compliant clinical trials. This
course covers the essentials of study design and protocol development, bioethics, good clinical practice (GCP), data management, regulatory affairs, safety monitoring, and practical management skills.
Between now and 10th March 2023 please register your interest