groups » Laboratories discussion group » Laboratory Quality Management Systems

Laboratory Quality Management Systems are critical to laboratories wanting to make a clinical research contribution. Is there a "one size fits all" formula for QMS or does every QMS system depend on what is being done in the laboratory. What is your experience.


  • danielkkipyego390 DANIEL KIPYEGO RONOH 13 Jun 2018

    This is one of the most sensitive part in the laboratory sector.Most staffs are not speaking one/same voice on this and a lot has to be done after which it should be implemented.
    QMS varies from one organization to another.Standardization should be focused

  • sfbanda SAMUEL C BANDA 26 Apr 2018

    Well i believe there has to be a common standard in as far as laboratory quality management systems is concerned.That having said,its implementation its what may vary in various settings depending on several factors such as resources ,what is being done etc.As such One size fits all approach is fairly a better one to ensure standardization among st various clinical research laboratories.

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