groups » Introduce yourself » Hello and welcome!

Please let other members of Global Health Laboratories know a little bit about yourself, like where you are and what your work is. Thank you!


  • simbiso Ronald Munjoma 5 Aug 2014

    Hello, my name is Ronald Munjoma, based in Harare, Zimmbabwe.

    I am new to the laboratory industry with a strong interest in LIMS (having an IT background). I am currently contributing to the Open Source LIMS project called BIKA Labs -

    I am more inclined to BIKA Helth - and I am exploring ways of assisting with Health streghthening in Zimbabwe and Africa as whole. Most Zimbabwean and African labs are still using pen and paer to manage their results and we would like to help them automate the process using a low cost and affordable solution.

    As part of efforts to help labs function efficiently I am currently seeking sponsorship to develop as Open Source Instrument Server to help labs with costly instrument interfacing.

    I am looking forward to learning a lot from the community and give back the little I know for now.

    Best and Regards
    Ronald Munjoma

  • karla Karla Lam 4 Aug 2014

    Hi Elisabeth, very nice to meet you and welcome!

    Hope you find the website useful and please let us know if you have any suggestions.

    Looking forward to share experiences with you too. Let us know how you get on with strengthening Tb diagnostics and ISO 15189 in your lab. We would love to hear from you.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello, I am working as Laboratory Advisor in Tanzania (MSc Infectious Disease, MSc Public Health), currently focusing on strengthening
    Tb diagnostics in our institution and maintaining ISO 15189 besides teaching responsibilties at the attached University.
    Looking forward to share experiences with all of you.
    Warm regards

  • karla Karla Lam 28 Jul 2014

    Hi Hugues,

    Welcome to Global Health Laboratories and thank you for your post! Very nice to meet you too.
    Very important topic you are working on (nosocomial infections). Best of look finishing off your masters.
    If you have any suggestions regarding what you would like to see in the site please let us know here:

    Kind Regards
    Global Health Laboratories coordinator

  • huguesmba Mba Fongang Hugues 26 Jul 2014

    I'am Hugues from Douala in Cameroon.Currently finishing a master in clinical biology specialized in Medical Bacteriology and virology.
    I'm working on nosocomial infections and for my professional career ,I would like to work on Public Health laboratory system
    Very happy to meet you all

    Best Regards

  • karla Karla Lam 10 Jun 2014

    Hi Prof Yassa,

    Welcome and thanks for posting. It's lovely to hear from you. Would you mind sharing what research projects are you leading/supervising at the moment?

    If there's anything you need but can't find, do just post here to ask or email us to There are many free resources, articles, eLearning courses, discussion forums, and notifications around the site.

    Kind regards
    Global Health Laboratories coordinator

  • I am Associate Professor in Medicine /dermatology and venereology at Chreso University and honorary lecturer at university of Zambia.
    I also head dermatology and National STI reference laboratory and HIV research intervention department at University Teaching Hospital in Zambia.
    I supervise clinical research and supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students of laboratory scientist, medicine and pharmacist .
    My contract is ended in Zambia and I will join Congolese Protestant university in kinshasa , Congo DRC. in September 2014,
    I am a PI of STI validation that I will share with you for input.
    Best regards.
    Prof Yassa

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