
Anton Bussink - Senior Contributor

About: Having spent many years in the safety of research laboratories, I felt it was time to get my feet in the mud and work where it matters most. Therefore I set off to study Tropical Medicine and subsequently work in Africa as a laboratory manager. Exploiting the unique combination of knowledge in fundamental biochemistry and experience as a field-worker, I recently founded Tropical Medicine Laboratory Consultancy, dedicated to developing diagnostic infrastructure.

Location: Amsterdam
Website: http://www.tropmedlab.com/
Job: Laboratory Manager


  • Lab manager at MSF

    1 Oct 2012 - 1 Apr 2013

  • Lab manager at St. Luke's hospital, Malosa, Malawi

    1 Oct 2011 - 1 Jun 2012


  • Master International Health at Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam
  • 1 Jan 2014 -

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