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We would like to draw your attention to this great article by our colleagues at the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM):

How a National Sample and Results Transport Network is Improving Patient Care in Uganda and Serving as a Best Practice for Others

Two of the greatest challenges a laboratory network faces when tackling high-risk global health security threats is the safe transportation of a potentially bio-hazardous specimen and the length of the waiting time for test results.

To combat this, we must look to innovative approaches for the efficient transportation of samples and test results through integrated and highly centralised laboratory networks. Laboratory networks, such as the African Public Health Laboratories Network (APHLN), have been looking at specific approaches to accelerate sample and test result delivery that can be applied on regional or international levels.

Uganda has shown particular success in this area via its National Sample and Results Transport Network (NSRTN) based on the creation of laboratory and sample transport hubs that are linked to in-house courier delivery routes.

You can read the full article by clicking here.


African Society for Laboratory Medicine